Ein Fara to Wadi Qelt Overlook

John Atick
  • Author: John Atick
  • Created: February 9, 2019 8:10 am
  • Updated: March 18, 2020 11:11 am
Trail Type: Hiking
Difficulty Grade: Moderate
  • Distance 14.11 km
  • Time 6 h 40 min
  • Speed 2.1 km/h
  • Min Altitude -38 m
  • Peak 391 m
  • Climb 350 m
  • Descent 595 m

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  • Distance Instructions

1. Ein Fara

Altitude: 284 m

The desert scenery, abundance of water and varied vegetation create this unique oasis – the Ein Fara Nature Reserve. You will also find monasteries and archaeological findings – remnants of human activity in different periods.

2. Ein Fawwar

Altitude: 101 m
Address: 458

The middle spring of the Wadi Qelt riverbed. The riverbed collects rain water and the water from three springs, carrying the water from Jerusalem to the Jordan River. The spring is fascinating as it empties completely and refills again throughout the day.

3. Ein Qelt

Altitude: -2 m

Ein Qelt is the third and last spring at Wadi Qelt

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